When: Thursday, October 26, 2023 4:05 pm - 5:15 pm (immediately after-school)
Where: Ms Allen's Art Room.
Students should be picked up in the car loop, and will need a guardian to sign them out at pickup
Who: All FRES students are invited!
This event will be entirely staffed by parent volunteers; please be on-time in picking up your child.
Parents are welcome to attend! If you would like to attend to learn more about the Reflections program or volunteer to help, please check in at the front office of the school when you arrive.
How: Students must have this form completed by parents by 10/24 to be on the approved attendance list.
At dismissal, students will report to Ms. Allen's art room. They should bring a simple snack with them.
This session is FREE to attend.
Why: The Fine Arts Committee is offering an opportunity for students participating in this year's Reflections Arts Program to meet with other student participants to build camaraderie, support, and confidence!
During the session, students will:
- learn a mini-lesson on interpretting a theme in art
- discuss the meaning of this year's theme with other students
- have the opportunity to make progress on their project but the final work must be completed at home.
Attendance is NOT required to participate in the Reflections Arts Program. Artwork submissions are due on Monday, November 27th.