Farmers Market Tour Guide Volunteer
The Farmers Market Tour initiative is a collaboration between Charlotte- Mecklenburg Food
Policy Council (CMFPC) and Zealous Empowering Nurturer, Incorporated (ZEN). This initiative
aims to educate and engage community members in Mecklenburg County by providing a comprehensive exploration of local farmers markets. Its objectives include bridging the gap between traditional grocery shopping and farmers markets, raising awareness about the benefits of attending farmers markets, educating participants about programs like SNAP Double Bucks and senior vouchers, teaching the concept of seasonal eating, and highlighting the economic significance of farmers markets.

"Join Us as a Volunteer Guide for Farmers Market Tours!

We're seeking dedicated volunteers who are familiar with local markets to lead small groups during our one-hour tours. As a guide, you'll play a crucial role in highlighting the significance of farmers markets in our community.


  • Lead small groups during one-hour tours of the farmers market.
  • Share key information about the importance of farmers markets using a provided fact sheet.
  • Ensure that each guide stays on task and delivers essential information.


  • Familiarity with local markets preferred.
  • Passion for community engagement and promoting sustainable food systems.

If you're passionate about supporting local agriculture and educating others, we'd love to have you on board! If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to reach out (704)966-9562 or Let's work together to celebrate and support our farmers and local producers!"

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Email *
Name *
Phone Number *
Which organization are you affiliated with? *
Are you currently a staff or volunteer at one of the participating farmers markets?  *
Check which Farmer's Market(s) do you frequently visit and feel comfortable leading a group through? (Check All That Apply) *
Which date(s) would you be available to be a guide for the markets you listed above? (Check All That Apply) 

If you are currently a staff or volunteer at a market, please select the  option that says "date of my scheduled farmers market tour"
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