To become a member, you need to fill this form and pay the membership fee. Please write "MA2024 + (your name)" as a message with your money transfer. When you have filled out the form, you will be transferred to a confirmation page. This only means that you have filled out the form, and does not mean that you are a member yet. It is only when the association received the fees that you are considered a member, and you will receive a welcome email from us to confirm this. Please note that it can take some days for international payments, as well as some days for the board to check the account and send you the welcome email, since the association is run by volunteers.
You can pay the membership fee via an international bank transfer to:
Bankkontonummer 9960 3409478223
IBAN SE49 9500 0099 6034 0947 8223
Bank: Nordea
BatLife Sweden adress:
Föreningen BatLife Sweden
c/o Johnny de Jong
Eksätravägen 47
756 55 Uppsala