ATLE Connect! Professional Learning Survey, Fall 2023
ATLE thrives by combining people with similar interests with processes that can help meet our evolving professional learning focuses from year to year. Please complete this quick survey so that ATLE's Prolearn team can gather today's snapshot view of topics and models we should focus on for the 2023-2024 school year. We'll share your feedback and next steps at Convergence in October.
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What is your first and last name? *
What is your email address? *
What is your school authority or school? *
Which of the ATLE professional learning networks (PLNs) below would you be most likely to participate in as a participant this school year? Check all that apply. *
We invite you to lead or co-lead one or more of the PLNs above. Interested? *
For the PLNs you checked off above, would you like to receive emails about related PL opportunities as they evolve? (You can opt out at any time.) *
Please check off the professional learning models that work best for you and your team, and add others that might be missing. *
How might you be able to help us grow these networks, as a leader and as a learner? We welcome your additional comments and input below! 
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