✨ Bankless Collectibles ✨
**your responses will directly impact our collective vision for the future of Bankless NFTs. Be as honest and as detailed as possible** 
Your ETH Address 
**responders may or may not be rewarded in the future - must include ETH address & completely fill out the form to qualify**
Are you a Bankless Citizen?  *
Which Bankless Collectibles do you own? 
**check all that apply**
Which Bankless episode or set of Bankless episodes would you like to see turned into a Collection or singular Collectible?
How'd you first hear about Bankless Collectibles?  *
Why do you collect Bankless Collectibles? 
check all that apply**
What have you liked about Bankless Collectibles thus far? *
What do you think we could be doing better?  *
If utility interests you, what kind of utilities would you find most valuable for being a Bankless Collectible holder? List any and all ideas. *
What should we consider in our Bankless NFT roadmap?  *
Do you want to participate in further research, feedback, or testing to help improve Bankless Collectibles? If so, please enter your email below:
**please double-check and make sure you've correctly spelled your email** 
Anything else you'd like to leave us with? 
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