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1. In the medical model of abnormal behavior, what is defined as the apparent cause and development of an illness? *
1 point
2. Nina, a Clinical Psychologist, defined the probable course of action that can be taken to deal with the psychological illness of her patient. What psycho-medical procedure is this called? *
1 point
3. Many catatonic schizophrenics exhibit a bodily condition called waxy flexibility. What characterizes this? *
1 point
4. If a patient exhibits signs of psychosis but additional symptoms do not fit the description of other forms of schizophrenia, what type of schizophrenia may be occurring? *
1 point
5. Which among the following is NOT TRUE about the "dopamine hypothesis" relative to Schizophrenia? *
1 point
6. A . Muscle disorder can result from overuse of antipsychotic drugs for depression.                                                                                                                                                        B. Overdose of antipsychotic drugs causes Tardive dyskinesia, which results to tremors and muscle spasms. *
1 point
7. A. Diathesis-Stress Model marries the idea of genetic predisposition to certain conditions (either mental or environmental) that may trigger disorders.   B. Differing environment and stressors may be the reason that two people with the same DNA (like identical twins) may not suffer from the same disorders,
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8. Which of the following is TRUE about the Biological Perspective of Mental Disorders?
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9. Dementia like Alzheimer's disease is an organic disorder. What is organic disorder?
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10. A.  A certain behavior can be deemed a disorder if it is highly unusual and labeled by the society as abnormal. Similarly, it has to be maladaptive to social functioning and is characterized by perceptual or cognitive dysfunction.                                                                       B. All of these components of abnormal behavior are necessary for a positive diagnosis
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