Smart Cat Feedback Form

Welcome to Smart Cats! Your insights are valuable and we would love to hear your feedback.

Be direct and honest in your thoughts - both negative & positive feedback are crucial to improve the Smart Cats.

Should you find it easier, feel free to provide feedback in your native language.

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From 1 to 7, with 7 being the highest, how likely are you to recommend this to a friend?
Not likely at all
Extremely likely
What made you give the answer above?
How does it compare to other NFTs you own? *
What else would you want to do with it? *
If you could add ‘Smart’ features to another NFT, what features would you add? Which NFT would it be? *
What else do you think ‘Smart Tokens’ should be able to do? *
Did you encounter any difficulties, confusions or concerns? *
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