OMCA Enrollment 2024/25 Program Year
Please complete one form per child. 
In order for your child's place to be reserved in our 2024/25 program, a $100 Registration Fee must be paid.  Payment may be sent electronically via Venmo (select @OMCAPayments) or by cash/check dropped off at 292 Oak Meadows Dr. Wood Dale, IL 60191. Upon completion of this form, you will receive an email from a member of our teamwith further instructions.  No tuition is due at this time other than the registration fee.

Submit your child's registration by April 15th, to lock in last year's pricing!!!
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Correo *
Child’s First & Last Name *
Child’s Date of Birth *
Child's Age for 2023/24 Program Year (You may place your child in a different grade than their age if they are at a different educational level.)
Which program will your child attend? *
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