Student Ambassador Application
Hi guys! We are seeking to appoint about 30 Student Ambassadors as representatives of Northview High School.  Ambassadors will be expected to assist the PTO and counseling department with various school related programs, events and activities throughout the year to enhance the student expectations and image of Northview High School.  

Ambassadors will:
-Be able to communicate in front of their peers.
-Have a positive attitude.
-Be able to balance school and Student Ambassador responsibilities.
-Be current with NHS news.
-Communicate with your Ambassador sponsor as needed.
-Appoint a Leadership team that will consist of 4 ambassadors (one per grade).

Benefits of being an Ambassador:
Ambassadors will have the opportunity to give back to the School, meet School leaders, develop friendships, and expand communication and leadership skills and network with other students. 

Potential Projects and Duties:
-Provide school related information and support to your  fellow classmen.
-Assist with school events, programs and activities.
-Respond in a timely way to student inquiries.
-Help improve communication between the Student body, the PTO and NHS.
-Assist and mentor new students who enroll at our school any time throughout the school year.

This application is due May 15th and selected Student Ambassadors will be notified by May 21st via email.
The Northview PTO Board wishes you luck!
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