senses street team application
Thank you for your interest in joining the senses street team! We will be in touch with you on next steps!
Name (First and Last) *
Email *
Phone Number
Location (City, State)
Instagram Handle
TikTok Handle *
Twitter Handle *
Age (must be 15 years old to apply)
What are your special skills?
Jāaizpilda obligāti
Tell us more about your special skills!
How did you discover the band?
Have you ever seen the band live? Tell us where!
What is your favorite song?
Why do you want to be part of the team?
Have you read and consent with the following statement: "I understand that my time and services (in any manner) are donated to the SENSES Street Team (the “Organization”) as a Volunteer without promise, expectation, or receipt of compensation or future employment.  I agree to comply with all Organization Rules & Regulations which are subject to change by the Organization at their sole-discretion.   I attest that I reviewed, understand, and have been provided the opportunity to ask questions about the Volunteer Program.  I agree to indemnify and hold harmless the organization, the band, and its officers, agents, representatives, and members against any damages related to my participation as a Volunteer. I understand that I am not an active employee, and as such, may cease participating at any time for any reason I deem necessary.  I also acknowledge that the Organization may decline to accept my time and participation at their sole-discretion."
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