8 Year Anniversary Brolympics Registration
We're pumped to celebrate 8 years of F3 in Knoxville on November 4th! Please fill out the form below so our Brolympics team can get an idea of the number of HCs (Hard Commits) for this event. If you're not planning to compete or participate in the event, please consider volunteering with our team to help make this year's Brolympics a success (we'll follow up with you soon).

We look forward to seeing you in the Gloom! ⚒️

Iron Sharpens Iron! 
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Hospital Name (First + Last) *
F3 Name *
How long have you been involved with F3 Knoxville? *
Will you be competing / participating in this year's Brolympics event or volunteering to help? *
What is your home AO? *
Respect Category? (50 - 59) *
Double Respect Category? (60 - 69) *
Triple Respect Category? (70 - 79) *
Clydesdale? *
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