Operating Systems in Libraries (Fall 2021)
A survey seeking to learn about which operating systems are on computers in libraries. Created by Greg Bem (LWTech) for the Library Leadership Council.

Note: for the purposes of this interview, desktop machines and laptop machines are equivalent. If you have any notes on laptops specifically, please see the end of the survey.
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What is your college?
How important is it for the library to provide the latest version of an operating system to the college community? *
Not important
Crucially important
How important is it for the library to teach members of the college community on how to use and solve problems within an operating system? *
Not important
Crucially important
Who makes decisions regarding installed operating systems on library machines?
Which operating systems are available on your library's computers? *
Select all that apply. OS version questions below.
If you have Chrome OS machines in your library, describe your approach to updates made to these machines. If you do not have the latest version of Chrome OS, describe your plans for updating.
If you have Linux machines in your library, describe the specific type of Linux package that's installed, versioning information, and any other relevant details. If you do not have the latest version of Linux, describe your plans for updating.
If you have macOS machines in your library, which version(s) are used?
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If you do not have Monterey installed, describe if you/your college has plans to update.
If you have Windows machines in your library, which version(s) are used?
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If you do not have Windows 11 installed, describe if you/your college has plans to update.
Describe any versioning information for other operating systems on your library machines here.
Are there any notes on laptop operating systems versus desktop operating systems?
How does your library/college help students who have problems using an operating system? Please describe any specific staff roles that exist to support operating system support and responding to digital literacy needs. *
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