Questionnaire: Usage and Attitudes Towards New Energy Vehicles in Hong Kong 關於新能源汽車在香港的使用與態度調查問卷

Dear Participant,


 Thank you for participating in this survey on the usage and attitudes towards new energy vehicles (NEVs) in Hong Kong. This questionnaire is part of the project “Assessing the Adaptation of New Energy Vehicles in Hong Kong: The Future of Hydrogen Fuel Cell Vehicles and Electric Vehicles” supported by Public Policy Research Funding Scheme (PPRFS). The project number is 2023.A6.226.23B. The aim of this questionnaire is to gather insights into the perspectives, attitudes, and preferences of Hong Kong residents regarding the use of NEVs, helping us better understand the current status and potential market of NEVs in Hong Kong.

感謝您參與這項有關香港新能源汽車使用和態度的調查。 本調查問卷是公共政策研究資助計畫(PPRFS)支持的「評估香港新能源汽車的適應性:氫燃料電池汽車和電動車的未來」計畫的一部分。 項目編號為2023.A6.226.23B。這項問卷的目的是了解香港市民對使用新能源汽車的看法、態度和偏好,幫助我們更了解香港新能源汽車的現狀和潛在市場。 


Purpose of the Survey:

• To understand the level of awareness among Hong Kong residents about NEVs.

• To explore the willingness to purchase NEVs and the factors considered by the citizens.

• To collect feedback on the user experience of existing NEV owners.

• To solicit opinions and suggestions for the development of NEVs in Hong Kong.


• 了解香港市民對新能源車的認知程度。

• 探討市民購買新能源汽車的意願和考量。

• 收集現有新能源汽車車主的使用者體驗回饋。

• 徵求香港新能源汽車發展的意見和建議。


Guidelines for Completing the Survey:

• The questionnaire includes multiple-choice and a few fill-in-the-blank questions and is expected to take approximately 5-10 minutes to complete.

• All responses are anonymous, and we are committed to protecting your privacy.

• Please choose the most appropriate answer based on your actual situation and views.

• If you prefer not to answer a particular question, you may skip it.



• 問卷包括多項選擇題和一些填空題,預計需要大約 5-10 分鐘才能完成。

• 所有回應都是匿名的,我們致力於保護您的隱私。

• 請根據您的實際情況和觀點選擇最合適的答案。

• 如果您不想回答某個特定問題,您可以跳過它。


Data Use and Privacy Protection:

• The information collected will only be used for research purposes and will not be disclosed to third parties.

• The results of the survey will be presented in a summarized form and will not reveal any personal information.


• 所收集的資訊將僅用於研究目的,不會透露給第三方。

• 調查結果將以總結形式呈現,不會透露任何個人資訊。

Thank you for your valuable time and honest responses.


Your participation is crucial to our research!


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