RSVP: Managing Self-Stigma Workshop
Come join us in our ✨Managing Self-Stigma workshop✨where we will exchange experiences and insights on personal self-stigmatising beliefs that affect our mental health. Together, we will explore practical ways to challenge negative thoughts and adopt more positive thinking patterns. 

This is a 2-hour workshop for persons in recovery from a mental health condition, need support for their mental health, and wants to make sense of their self-stigmatising experiences. It is only open to peers between ages 18 - 35 years old.

See you soon!
The Resilience Collective Team
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Which age group do you fall under? *
How do you relate to the topic of mental health? (may tick more than one box) *
How did you hear about this workshop? *
The workshop is a physical session on 26 Nov 2022 (Sat), 10am - 12pm. Will you able to make it? *
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