Contribute to the future image of Launceston.
When you think of Launceston what immediately springs to mind? Do you feel the town projects an image or feeling of what it's truly like to live or visit here? Have your say and help contribute to the official image of Launceston.

Please answer the following 5 questions by including as much information as you would like.

This consultation closes on Saturday 30 April 2022.

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Q1) Why is Launceston special to you?
Q2) What makes Launceston unique?
Q3) What one (positive) word comes to mind when thinking of Launceston?
Q4) Share a special memory you have of Launceston
Q5) How would you like Launceston to be portrayed for the next generation/years to come?
How old are you
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We would like to use the odd response to help with marketing and gaining more feedback. This survey is anonymous so names will not be used. Please tick this box if you DO NOT consent to your words being used for marketing.
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