Registration of Interest
Kia Ora! Great to see you're interested in some training.

Once you submit this form, I'll be in touch directly to work out all the logistics together.

I will never share your information, it's used exclusively by me to help bring the right people together, at the right time, in the right place.

Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Email *
Which course would you like to register for? *
How would you prefer to participate in workshops? *
Workshops are either online or in-person, never a mix of the two.
Which city do you live in? *
For in person workshops, it's important for me to know where you're located.
Tell me about yourself, what is your role, background, level of experience... include anything you think will be useful for me to know. *
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This form was created inside of Andrew Tokeley.

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