Litter-Free Lawndale Clean-Up Interest
This form is for residents and businesses to request help with cleaning-up litter in North Lawndale. 
Volunteers with NLCCC Litter-Free Lawndale will respond using the contact info you provide below. 

This is not a service request. If you need City of Chicago Streets & Sanitation to remove debris, please call 311 or use the 311 app. 

No one will come and pick-up litter after submitting this form. This is a request to work together to host a clean-up or on other ways to clean North Lawndale. 

Litter-Free Lawndale is volunteer-led by members of NLCCC GROWSS and NLHOA. 
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Your Information
A Litter-Free Lawndale volunteer will coordinate with you using the contact information you provide.
Your name *
Email address *
Phone number
If you are part of a block club, please share the name  here: 
If you have a specific area in mind to clean, please describe it here: 
Harrison between Central Park and Kedzie
Franklin Park
4000 block of Roosevelt)
Potential meet-up address
What support do you need? *
If you have a specific date in mind, please enter it here: 
If you don't have a specific date, what days/times are usually best for a clean-up?  
Morning (8-12pm)
Afternoon (12pm-4pm)
Evening (4pm-8pm)
Who else would you like to include in planning? 
Please list people/organizations/businesses here: 
If you would like to get more involved, please choose what you're interested in: 
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