Enterprise Board Interest Form
Recent transportation legislation was passed which creates new funding streams to invest nearly three quarters of a billion dollars over the next decade in clean transportation that includes EV charging and hydrogen fueling infrastructure, incentives for low and moderate income Coloradans to upgrade to EVs and electric bicycles, and support for zero emission fleets of buses, school buses, transportation network company vehicles, public fleets, and medium and heavy duty trucks. Read more on SB 21-260 and its additional provisions here.

Four new transportation enterprises will be created to enable the planning, funding, development, construction, maintenance, supervision, and regulation of these investments: the clean transit enterprise and Nonattainment area air pollution mitigation enterprise which will be housed at Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT), the clean fleet enterprise which will be housed at Colorado Department of Health and the Environment (CDPHE), and the community access enterprise which will be housed at Colorado Energy Office (CEO). Each enterprise will include a Board of Directors that is appointed by the Governor. Those interested in a board appointment must complete an application. The link for that application is provided at the end of the survey below. WE ARE SEEKING CANDIDATES IN LEADERSHIP POSITIONS FOR THESE BOARDS. Appointment to one of these Boards presents a unique opportunity to shape growth of Colorado’s electric vehicle market.

SB21-260 sets criteria for Board members. In particular, we are looking for candidates who  represent:
Disproportionately impacted communities
The automobile industry including manufacturers and dealers, electric vehicle charging and fueling businesses, or owners and operators of motor vehicle fleets
Business or organization that supports electric alternatives to motor vehicles
General interest
CEO, CDOT, and CDPHE request that those interested in a Board appointment let us know by completing this 4-Question Survey.  AND THEN APPLY VIA THE LINK AT THE END OF THE SURVEY.

Please feel free to share this with whomever else you know who may be interested or a good candidate.

Thank you,

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Name *
First and last name
Email *
Phone number *
Organization *
Which Enterprise are you interested in? *
If interested in the Community Access Enterprise, which segment do you represent?
If interested in the Clean Fleets Enterprise, which segment do you represent?
If interested in the Clean Transit Enterprise, which segment do you represent?
If interested in the Nonattainment Area Air Pollution Mitigation Enterprise, which segment do you represent?
Brief Description of Interest *
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