Worksheet - Class 5 - English - Chapter 14 - Gulliver's Travels
Prepared by - Shubham Joshi, PRT, KV No. 2 Kota
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Father's Name *
Class *
Section : *
Roll No. *
Mobile No. *
Quiz Questions
Choose the correct option.
1. Meaning of 'Bellowing' *
1 point
2.Meaning of ' Astonishment' - *
1 point
3. Meaning of 'Barren' - *
1 point
4.Superlative Degree of 'Difficult' - *
1 point
5. Why did the captain send the men to water ? *
1 point
6. Why did the giant carried a reaping hook ? *
1 point
7.  as _________ as feather. *
1 point
8. as white as ______________ *
1 point
9. Fill in the blanks : (A) A giant bird __________ *
1 point
10. (B) A giant reptile ________ *
1 point
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