The Greater Remington Improvement Association Land Use Committee is authorized by the GRIA Board of Directors to analyze proposed zoning, development, and transportation changes in the neighborhood for consistency with the adopted Remington Neighborhood Plan and advocate for association and city agency implementation of recommendations in the Remington Neighborhood Plan.
The Land Use Committee comprises 10 voting members and a general body of attendees. 6 voting members must be Remington Residents. 1 must be a GRIA Board Member. The remainder may be stakeholders, defined as business owners, non-profit affiliates, and religious or educational authorities in the neighborhood.
The general body of attendees is open to the general public, and members of the public may ask questions, provide comment, and express support or opposition for a proposal. After this discussion, however, only Land Use Committee voting members may vote on specific proposals. All votes are affirmed by either the GRIA general Board of Directors, the general GRIA Membership, or both.
Neighbors who regularly attend GRIA meetings or who are otherwise substantially involved in neighborhood activities and have an interest in and knowledge of land use issues are encouraged to apply to serve as voting members of the Land Use Committee.
Voting Land Use Committee members agree to base their voting on consistency with the accepted Remington Neighborhood Plan and other adopted GRIA positions, not based on personal opinion on a project.