ICB Bible Study Survey
This survey seeks to gather relevant information from churchgoers (members, attendees, etc.) for ICB to better plan future Bible Study sessions. It has been recently updated to include options that are hoped to more accurately reflect people’s schedules. 
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Please state your name. (Note: ICB will not share your name with a third party, but it is needed for an accurate headcount.)
Please choose the mode of participation that suits you.
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If you prefer a weekday Bible study session, please choose the day which works best for you. 
(Note: This question applies to both in-person and online participants as this session may possibly be offered in a hybrid mode.)
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If you prefer a weekday Bible study session, please choose the time which works best for you. (Note: This question applies to both in-person and online participants as this session may possibly be offered in a hybrid mode.)
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For a weekend Bible Study session, Saturdays have been identified to work best. Please identify which time works best for you. (Note: This question applies to both in-person and online participants as this session may possibly be offered in a hybrid mode.)
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Please choose which location is closest to you. (Note: Regardless of your chosen mode of participation, please respond to this question.)
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Please choose which role works best for you.
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ICB will try its best to accommodate preferences with a note, at the same time, that it will also try to recognize what suits best the needs of the majority. We will come back to you the soonest time possible, sharing the results of this survey. Thank you for your time! God bless everyone. 
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