Wellington East Girls' College                             Sports Registration
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Wellington East Girls’ College has a large number of netball teams competing in the Wellington Netball competition with approximately 24 teams in 2018.
Terms: Term 2 and 3

$140 for the season (Includes a Netball Skirt) Those selected in the Senior A, Senior B, Junior A and Junior B will have a surcharge of $40 applied if they are selected to these teams. These teams have a longer playing season.
2019 sport registration fees and any sport fees outstanding from 2018 must be paid prior to trials.
Trials: All students will need to trial and will be placed into teams.

Teams play either at the indoor venue at the Kilbirnie ASB Sports Arena or outdoors at the Hataitai netball courts on Saturdays. The time of the day and venue depends on the grade the team is placed. School teams play in Collegiate grades against other school teams except our top team who play in the Women’s Premier Competition. Premier and College competition commences early May and goes through until the end of August.

Wellington East Girls’ College Netball Trials Process – 2019 season
WEGC Netball Trials are held the week following sport registration at WEGC – the timing of this is very early, but given player commitments to summer sports it is the preferred time. It does also mean that the Premier Grade teams are selected and have adequate time to train before the commencement of their competition.  

The structure of the teams is:
Junior A and B: Combined top Year 9 and Year 10 players.
Year 9 only teams
Year 10 only teams For all other Junior Teams.
All Senior Teams are a combination of year 11, 12 and 13 players. Any junior player who believes they have the skill
        and maturity to play in the Senior A team must contact the Sports Director at least two days prior to trials.
Social Teams: This is available to all senior students by arrangement.

All players must attend trials in order to be selected.  If a player is unable to make trials they need to contact either the Netball Convenor or the Sports Director at least two days prior to the trials.  Players unable to attend trials for any reason will be placed in a team at the discretion of the selectors.  
Trialists will be required to take part in a structured warm up; undertake a skills session and will take to the court in a game situation.  Selectors will be observing these sessions.

Netball Trial Dates for 2019 (note, dates may change pending availability of selectors)
Please refer to trial dates in the table below.  All trials will be held on the WEGC netball courts.

(Open to all Junior and Senior) Saturday 16th  February
Senior A, B and C (open)         3.45pm – 6pm Monday 18th February
Senior A, B - Call back         3.45pm – 6pm Wednesday 20th February
Senior A, B - Final call back       3.45pm – 6pm Monday 25th February
Year 9                                         9:15am – 11:30am Saturday 23rd February
Year 10                                         12:20pm – 2:30pm Saturday 23rd February
Year 10                                         9:15am – 11:30am Saturday 2 March
Year 9                                        12:20pm – 2:30pm Saturday 2 March
Junior A & B call back
(combined year 9 & year 10) 3:30pm – 5:45pm  Tuesday 5 March
Year 11,12 and 13                 3:45pm – 5:30pm Monday 11th March
Year 11,12 and 13                 3:45pm – 5:30pm Wednesday 13th March

All teams announced Tuesday 19th March

Pre season netball tournament Saturday 30th  March

Social teams do not need to trial.  A list of confirmed players (minimum 10), name of the manager and umpire for the team must be provided to the Sports Director before trials commence.

Pre Season We hope to run a pre season tournament prior to the season starting. This will also be an opportunity for students to have a go at umpiring in a supportive environment.

Trainings Training times will be agreed upon when teams have been determined and coaches and managers allocated. It is anticipated that all teams (with the exception of the Premier grade teams) will train on school days between the hours of 8.00am and 5.00pm at the WEGC netball courts.

Each year a number of teams are coached by senior students who will run weekly trainings and attend Saturday games (except when their own games clash).
All players are expected to attend training's and we ask for the support of parents in this regard - training is not optional, except for the social teams. Players in all teams are required to make a full commitment to their team practices and to Saturday games. There will be an adult manager for every team with student coaches.
Each team will require an adult manager and will be required to provide an umpire (this can be an adult or student).

 No student can trial until the registration fee of $140.00 has been paid (or an automatic payment set up) and any unpaid accounts from 2018 settled.

Competition: Teams will play at the ASB sports centre in Kilbirnie or the outdoor Hataitai netball courts on Saturdays, the time and venue, depends on the grade.  School teams play in Collegiate grades against other school team except for the some senior teams which play in the Women’s Premier Competition.  Premier and College competition will commence in early May and goes through until the end of August.  

Coach and Manager's:  We are always in need of coaches and managers. Coaching support is provided. Please indicate your interest below.  

Payment of  $140 is required prior to the commencement of the trials.
Payment details are:
Cheque or Cash: can be made directly to Student Services
Direct Credit to the following account with details
Account 06-0501-0908375-00
Particulars: Student Name
Code: Sports

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