This is the form for applying for the membership of Indian Society of Evolutionary Biologists. Please read the information on for details of who is eligible. You should NOT pay any membership fee till you are informed by ISEB that your membership has been accepted. Questions marked with an asterisk (*)  are mandatory.
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Name *
Primary email id *
This is the email id that we shall use for all communications with you. Please ensure that you fill this properly. Please enter only one email id.
Secondary email id
Although not mandatory, we strongly recommend that you provide a secondary email id.
Contact number *
Preferably a mobile number.
Address for communication *
Please ensure that you add the proper PIN code.
Sex *
Date of birth *
You need to be at least 21 years of age at the time of application. Please note that the format is MM/DD/YYYY.
Current profession *
Current Designation and affiliation *
Students should mention the name of the course and the college/university/institute with which they are affiliated.
Highest educational qualification *
Please write the name of the highest educational degree that you have attained till date.
Kind of membership applied for *
There are two kinds of membership:   a) Annual Membership: Rs 2000/- per person, valid for one year. Students applying for an annual membership can avail a discounted rate of Rs 1000/- per person. In this context a “student” is defined as any individual enrolled in courses up to and including PhD.   b) Life Membership: Rs 20,000/- valid for 15 years. Note that life membership is also open for students, however, there are no discounts for that category.
Achievements w.r.t ISEB mission *
Please provide a write up on how your work till date is congruent with any of the mission statements of ISEB. If possible, please provide links to websites or news coverage of your achievements. Please limit your response to 3000 characters (including spaces) or less.
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