EvoAllies 2024
We are recruiting new EvoAllies for the Evolution meetings as part of our SafeEvolution initiative. The goal of the program is to improve the climate at the meetings, making them more welcoming for everyone. It is not enforcement (we have a safety officer to investigate and sanctioning committee to put in place any sanctions if warranted), but rather to help de-escalate situations, direct people to resources to help them, and to identify any problems.

People who sign up and are selected must attend a two hour online training on June 11, at 11 am US Eastern time (3 pm UTC, 8 am US Pacific) by members of the UT CLIMBS team (https://socialactionrt.org/utclimbs) and members of the Code of Conduct Committee.

We want to recruit people with a variety of life experiences, perspectives, and career stages. Our goal is to make people feel safe at the meeting; to that end, if you are facing or have faced questions about your possible misconduct, or have other reasons why your selection would be controversial, we ask that you do not sign up.

Applications will be evaluated by a subset of members of the Code of Conduct Committee and current EvoAllies. Applications close June 7 at 5 pm US Eastern time; chosen applicants will be notified by June 10 at noon US Eastern time.
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Why do you want to sign up to be an EvoAlly?
Most responses will be about a paragraph in length.
What has your experience been with past professional meetings?
Note this is not a actionable disclosure form; for that, please reach out to our safety officer, Kerrell Dunsmore.
What life experiences, perspectives, background, career history, etc. would you bring to the role?

Have you been subject of a filed allegation, complaint, investigation, sanction or other legal, civil or institutional proceeding, where there was a finding of misconduct; or, are you currently the subject of such an allegation, complaint, or investigation in which your professional conduct is at issue?

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Is there anything else we should know?
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