DMESC HOTT Lab equipment can be checked out on a two-week basis. Once you submit your request, you will receive an email confirming your request. The materials will be delivered on the DMESC van and picked up by the van. The DMESC van runs the NORTH route on Tuesdays and the SOUTH route on Thursdays. HOTT Lab materials will be dropped off at the SCHOOL OFFICE of the school you list below. Please return the HOTT material back to the SCHOOL OFFICE at the DMESC van drop-off location.
Please check the HOTT Lab Check-Out Calendar to make sure the materials that you are requesting are available at the time of your request.
We ask that teachers take special care of the equipment in order for the next person to have the opportunity to use. Compensation will be required with intentional abuse of equipment. Questions can be directed to Brian Schuller, DMESC Science Specialist,
All HOTT will be sanitized when it is returned to DMESC and before it is checked out again before going on the van.
Due to the high demand and request of HOTT, the equipment must be utilized with the intent of classroom instruction.