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YEAH! Teacher Application
Thank you for your interest in becoming a teacher with YEAH! Please complete the questions below and I will contact you shortly.
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* Indicates required question
First Name
Your answer
Last Name
Your answer
Cell Phone Number
Your answer
Date of Birth
Your answer
You are welcomed, but not required, to share your race, ethnicity, pronouns, or other valued information about yourself here.
Your answer
Full address
Your answer
Phone Number
Your answer
Your answer
Socia Media Handles
Your answer
What experience do you have with playing music? Being in a band?
Your answer
What experience do you have with teaching ages 6-17?
Your answer
Would you be able to teach bass, drums, guitar or vocals?
Your answer
Would you be able to teach either or both of these age groups composed of beginners, intermediate and/or advanced skill levels?
Your answer
What experience do you have band managing and are you available to be a band manager?
Your answer
Would you be able to lead a workshop on music education/industry and complement it with examples of its impact in making positive change on social justice?
Your answer
Please email a sample lesson for your instruction, band mananging and or workshop time to
Your answer
Are you availabe the week of June 4th - 10th 8-12pm and/or 1 - 6pm and the shocase on Saturday? If so, please explain. (Orientation and Prep days before camp TBA)
Your answer
Have you ever been convicted or pled no contest to a crime other than traffic violations?
If so, please explain.
Are you willing to participate in a background check?
Provide the name, phone number, email and relationship of two references.
Your answer
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