YEAH! Teacher Application
Thank you for your interest in becoming a teacher with YEAH!  Please complete the questions below and I will contact you shortly.  
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First Name *
Last Name *
Cell Phone Number  *
Date of Birth *
You are welcomed, but not required, to share your race, ethnicity, pronouns, or other valued information about yourself here.
Full address *
Phone Number *
Email *
Socia Media Handles *
What experience do you have with playing music? Being in a band? *
What experience do you have with teaching ages 6-17? *
Would you be able to teach bass, drums, guitar or vocals?  *
Would you be able to teach either or both of these age groups composed of beginners, intermediate and/or advanced skill levels?  *
What experience do you have band managing and are you available to be a band manager? *
Would you be able to lead a workshop on music education/industry and complement it with examples of its impact in making positive change on social justice? *
Please email a sample lesson for your instruction, band mananging and or workshop time to  *
Are you availabe the week of June 4th - 10th 8-12pm and/or 1 - 6pm and the shocase on Saturday? If so, please explain. (Orientation and Prep days before camp TBA)
Have you ever been convicted or pled no contest to a crime other than traffic violations? *
If so, please explain.
Are you willing to participate in a background check? *
Provide the name, phone number, email and relationship of two references.  *
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