Request A Poster
Thank you for your interest. My goal is to select, design and post one new poster a week. I get to keep my layout skills sharp and you get a professionally designed poster for free!  Please see for answers to questions.
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What is your poster for? *
Choose the category that best fits your need. If you think there is a better category, please tell me about it in Other Info at the end of this form.
When do you need your poster by? *
This is when the poster needs to be ready in order to allow enough time for you to print and distribute it. (Should NOT be the same as the event date.) Most posters are completed and uploaded to the site on Sunday nights.
When someone sees this poster, what do you want them to DO? (Not feel, we'll get to that in a minute.) What action should they take? *
What details / text should appear on the poster? *
Be sure to enter ALL TEXT, EXACTLY as you want it to appear (including exact spelling!) (Website? Event date/time/venue/price?) In most cases, I will copy and paste whatever you enter here, verbatim. (Use enter/return to put in multiple lines of text.)
3 to 5 adjectives you want people to think of when they see your poster? How should it make them feel? *
These do not need to relate directly to the event, but will help me determine mood or style.
Is there anything you DO NOT want people to think of when they see your poster?
Is there a website or anywhere online I can go for more information on your event/cause/organization? *
How are you planning to print the poster? *
I generally format the PDF file so it's easy to print at home or at any copy/print shop on 11 x 17 inch (tabloid size) paper. Even if you indicate black and white, I may still make a full-color poster but will make sure the contrast still works for black and white. If you plan to use a professional printer or want the file formatted for screen printing, please be choose 'Other' and include the printer's name and contact info so I can make sure the file is setup to meet their specific needs.
Your Contact Info
Please let me know where I can reach you if I have follow up questions or to let you know your poster has been selected. Your email address and name are considered confidential and will not be shared or posted anywhere on my site.
Email Address *
Name *
If I do email you, who should I address the communication to?
City / Sate
(Or City / Country if outside the US.) This is not required but it's nice to know where you're at.
Other Info (Optional)
Do you have examples of poster or design styles you like and think are appropriate for this poster?
Is there anywhere you would like me to visit for inspiration? If so please include links/URLs for images, websites, Pinterest boards, etc. This gives me an idea of where you're coming from aesthetically, but will not necessarily reflect the style for the final poster I create.
Do you have any high resolution photographs or illustrations you want included?
If you have usage rights to any high resolution media you would like me to consider including, please let me know what it is and how I can get to it. Even if I don't use the actual piece this can be a good starting place for inspiration and ideas.
Is there anything else you think I should know in order to consider your request or when creating the design?
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