How are you responding to COVID-19?
The last few weeks have been challenging for all of us as we work to stop the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic. Some of the most visible responses to the pandemic have been "physical distancing," often in the form of keeping six feet of distance between people and staying at home/avoiding public places. This can be challenging when much of your interests or work focuses on the outdoors. The Outdoors for All campaign wants to hear from Sierra Club staff and volunteers at chapter level, including outings volunteers, about how they are responding to COVID-19 in the following short survey.

Questions about this request? Contact:; Deputy Press Secretary; Outdoors for All
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Role within the Sierra Club
please specify your role as staff or volunteer, including which Chapter, Group, or Outings Group you are involved in.
How has physical distancing and staying at home made you reconsider what the outdoors mean to you?
How are you and/or chapters and outings groups adapting to meet the challenge of COVID-19?
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