Personal Energy Assessment for Greater Clarity (by Linda Binns)
Self-awareness is so important for living a happy, healthy and fulfilled life. This assessment will provide you with a more holistic evaluation of your life, helping you to identify specific areas for improvement.

Rate your satisfaction or fulfillment of each area based on a scale of 1-10.

Ten being the highest – as in “It's FABULOUS and couldn't be better!” and 1 being “This has to

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First Name *
How Committed do You Feel to Your Personal Growth and Development
Not very committed/Low Priority
Very committed/High Priority
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How Would You Rate Your Overall Health? *
Terrible, I'm really struggling
Fabulous, I feel great
Mental and Emotional Well-Being - How often do you feel stress, anxiety or overwhelm? *
Very stressed
My mind and emotions are calm
How Connected do You Feel Spiritually? *
Fabulous/I feel connected to a Higher Power
How Satisfied Are You With Your Personal Relationship? *
Very Unsatisfied
Fabulous - Very Satisfied
How Do You  Feel About Your Family Relationships? *
Terrible, not at all connected
Fabulous, I'm close to my family
How Do You Feel About Your Friendships and Social Life? *
Terrible, I have no social life
Fabulous, I have close & meaningful friendships
How do You Feel About Your Current Financial Situation? *
Terrible, money is a struggle
Fabulous, I feel a strong sense of abundance
How Fulfilled Do You Feel in Your Current Career/Business Role? *
Terrible, not at all fulfilled
Fabulous, I feel successful and fulfilled
How Do You Feel About Your Sense of Passion/Purpose? *
Terrible - I have no passion/purpose
Fabulous/I am energized and motivated
How Do You Feel About Your Current Expression of Creativity in Your Life *
Terrible, I don't feel at all creative
Fabulous, I am fully expressing my creativity
How Often Do You Engage in Enjoyable Physical Activity for Your Body? *
Never, I don't have the time/energy/desire
Frequently, I have a regular routine
How Do You Feel About Your Nutrition/Diet and What You Feed Your Body? *
Terrible, I don't make good food choices
Fabulous, I have a very healthy diet
How Supportive Do Your Feel Your Home Environment is to Your Overall Well-Being? *
Not supportive at all
Fabulous, my home is my sanctuary
How Supportive Do You Feel Your Work Environment is to Your Success and Fulfilment? *
Terrible, not at all supportive
Fabulous, I feel creative and motivated there
How Effectively Do You Manage Your Time Between Work, Personal Life, and Self-care?  
I never have enough time
I have a great balance of time-management
How balanced do you feel between your personal, professional, and social life?  
My life feels very out of balance
I have a great sense of life balance
How Often Do You Engage in Activities That Bring You Joy and Relaxation? *
Never, I don't have time
Frequently, I prioritize self-care
If You Could Change Anything or Have Anything to Improve Your Life Right Now - What Would That Be?
How Are You Feeling Energetically/Emotionally Right Now After Completing This Assessment?
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