æmbassadors - Application Form æternity
Onboarding æmbassadors. If you need any support, please send a mail to Erik Vollstadt at erik@aeternity.com.
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Email *
Name of the æmbassador *
City and Country *
Your LinkedIn & Twitter profile (also Github profile if you are a developer) *
How would you explain æternity in your own words? (Write something or post a link to your short video) *
Why do you want to become an æmbassador? *
Have you ever organized a meetup? (if so, please provide the information where, when, with how many attendees, links) *
Share some examples of online materials that you have created in the past (articles, tweets, posts, etc.)
Proof that you are following æternity on social media and retweet / share our posts (links): *
What would your idea of running an æmbassador program in your region be? *
What kind of communities are you a part of, which are relevant to advancing æternity's cause and vision? *
Do you have a space where you would be holding the meetups/events? *
Any last words? :)
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