Questionnaire survey on the use of quantitative research methods in HCI product development

I am conducting research on design research methods. The main purpose of which is to investigate the designers attitudes to quantitative analysis in the design process.

I would appreciate a few minutes of your time to ask you a few questions.

At this stage of the research, all information submitted will remain anonymous. You may choose to be identified if you wish to… Please indicate whether you would be willing to participate in future user tests or other conversations in the short term.

Under no circumstances will we sell, or use any contact information that you have the option to supply us with other than in the context of this research project outlined above.

If you have any questions about this survey, please contact me.

Thank you for your time.


Qinghua Zeng

Master of Design candidate at the College of Creative Arts, Massey University

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What is the industry you work in? *
What is your function at work? *
How many years have you been working? *
Have you done user research on your product? *
Do you know or use any user research tools?
Have you tried quantitative research methods?
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What quantitative research methods do you know?
(If you haven't done quantitative research) What's the reason you didn't do quantitative research?
What is your attitude towards quantitative analysis?
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In response to the last question, could you elaborate on the reasons for your attitude?
If you have done quantitative research, what do you think are the problems and shortcomings?
How do you do your quantitative research?
What problems do you want to solve with regard to quantitative research?
I will soon be developing a web app for quantitative analysis. If you would love to participat in its usability testing, leave your contact information (prefer email) here :)
I am happy to share the survey report of this questionnaire. Do you want to obtain the survey report? If yes leave your contact information (prefer email) here :)
Thank you very much and congratulations on reaching the last question! Any other suggestions about this questionnaire?
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