Crisis Care Fund
Regent Park Crisis Care Fund Application
This fund is available to support youth from Regent Park between the ages of 12-29 who are experiencing a crisis. Funding priority will be given to applications that meet the criteria and guidelines.

YCCF Guidelines:

1) The application must be completed by a youth worker, agency or community leader affiliated with an agency or SDP working group.

2) Youth must be from Regent Park or experiencing homelessness or living precariously in an adjacent community at the time of application.

3) Incident must have occurred within the last 12 months of application, if not please provide reasoning.

4) Applicants can receive up to $500 per application of funding to support youth per month.

5) Funds are available for transportation, temporary safe housing, pest control supplies, prescriptions including medical aid, and food.

6) Applicants will receive a response within 5 business days of reviewal.

7) All information gathered will be confidential and youth identities will remain anonymous.

8) Applicants must provide proof of purchases with receipts within 1 week of using funds. (not shared) Switch account

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