Bring the She Thinks Big Book Tour and Think Bigger Mini-Workshop to Your City

To celebrate the release of She Thinks Big, we're thrilled to announce the launch of fan-hosted Think Bigger Mini-Workshops and Book Tour around the world! 

Would you like to host friends or colleagues for a PRIVATE event in your city?
Would you like to organize a PUBLIC event in your space in your city?

We're looking for venues big and small – whether it's your home, a bar, or any space that can accommodate a decent-sized group. If you're interested in hosting or making a visit happen in your city, simply fill out the form below! 🌟 More to come, but getting our 2024/5 lineup set is step one!

Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Name *
Email address *
Phone # *
City *
State *
Proposed Location *
Is this location associated with a specific group? If so, please share.
Will this be a private or public event? *
Thank you!! We'll be in touch soon!
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