Compost Tea Subscription
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Compost Tea Subscription Information
Each member that signs up for a subscription for compost tea will be required to make a one-time payment prior to the first pickup. Compost tea will be available on a monthly basis at Soil Cycle (736 S. 1st. W. Missoula, MT) every 1st Friday of April-September 2021 from 10am-4pm.

Our concentrated (4:1) tea is a premium microbial and mineral-rich blend to encourage overall plant health and growth. We use Soil Cycle compost, worm castings, humates, kelp, and other trace minerals to brew our tea. A reusable container will be provided and must be used to get your tea throughout the summer. We will not provide single-use containers.
Pick-up Dates
Seasonal Subscription:
April 1st
July 1st
September 2nd

Monthly Subscription:
April 1st
May 6th
June 3rd
July 1st
August 5th
September 2nd
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