School Presentation Form
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What kind of presentation are you hoping to book?
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Name of school and address
What ages are the students you are hoping to have me present to?
If you have a month, week, or specific day in mind please write below. If you have multiple dates you can enter all of them. *Please note I am happy to have multiple presentations on the same day if you want to ask your teacher friends if they'd like to have me visit too!*
Main Contact- Name, email, and phone number
If you did not select The Buzz About Bees presentation you can skip to the next section.

The Buzz About Bees is a 60-75 minute presentation that focuses on the magic of bees! Our time together includes teaching about the differences between honeybees and native bees, as well as understanding how to identify common pollinators. It will also include time to look at specimens and have some hands on learning. The hands on learning will include comparing wasp nests with honeycomb, as well as smelling products from the hive such as propolis.

I offer presentations on a sliding scale price of $185-$380 (25 students or less) from 60 minutes to 75 minutes. Please fill out what type of presentation you are interested in, and I will contact you to discuss pricing. 

I also offer a variety of add ons listed below:

Honey tasting- 15 minutes, included in price

Native Plant seeding to take home- 15 minutes, included in price

One season bee and insect hotel (made with natural materials and flowers as well as size specific compostable straws for bees to nest)- 5$ per student, 30 minutes

Native Bee House Making (Each student will nail together pieces of wood to create a beehouse to take home)- 30 minutes, 10$/student *all supplies included*

Native Bee House Decorating (Each student will get a fully constructed beehouse that they can decorate to their hearts desire!)- 30 minutes, 15$/student (decorating supplies included) *all supplies included*

*Select all that you are potentially interested in having
If you did not select Microgreens presentation please skip to the next section

Growing Microgreens is a 60 minute presentation that brings the fun of growing food right to your classroom! 

This class includes learning about what makes microgreens amazingly nutritious, tasting multiple varieties of microgreens and exploring seeds. Students will then plant a variety of microgreens to take home! 

I offer the microgreens presentation on a sliding scale from $170-300$ for up to 25 students. Please let me know how many students you have and we can discuss pricing
Gardening for Beginners is a wonderful workshop for demystifying common gardening practices such as planting charts, picking specific seed varieties, and starting seedlings. By the end of our time together your students will feel  confident and excited about getting their hands in the soil! Students will leave with their own planting charts, and their own pot with planted seeds to take home!

I offer the Gardening for Beginners on a sliding scale from $150-280$ for up to 25 students. Please let me know how many students you have and we can discuss pricing
Is there anything else you are wondering, or details you feel I should know?
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