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Soft Soldering for Scaredy Cats Waitlist
Fill out this form to be on the waitlist for Soft Soldering for Scaredy Cats online course.
We will notify you once course enrollment is open and you will then have a chance to enroll.
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* Indicates required question
Full Name
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What is your level of soft soldering experience?
Absolute Beginner - someone who has never before soldered
Beginner - someone who has briefly tried soldering but is not confident about exactly how to solder
Some Experience - someone who has played around with solder with no formal instruction but mostly knows what they are doing
Experienced - someone who has experience soldering and can do basic projects
What are you most interested in learning about soldering?
Your answer
How did you hear about this course?
Your answer
Have you ever bought a course on soft soldering before and if yes, what did you feel that course was lacking; what do you wish it had?
Your answer
What do you hope to get out of this course?
Your answer
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