CLA-LA Client Pre-Registration Form
At CLA-LA, our mission is to share the love of Jesus Christ by cultivating a passion for justice in our community and providing free legal services and hope to those in need in Los Angeles County. 

Our volunteer attorneys provide one-time legal consultations, speaking with clients about their legal issues and try to assist them as much as possible. We focus on teaching clients about their rights and showing them how to handle their legal issues on their own. We DO NOT go to court for our clients, but we DO give them the tools they need to represent themselves.

Our free legal clinics take place from 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm, you MUST PRE-REGISTER by completing the form below. If you have any questions or wish to register by phone please call 323.319.3559. 
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First *
Last *
Is this your legal name? *
Mailing Address *
Phone *
Email *
Birthdate *
Preferred Language 
Gender *
Marital Status *
Education Level *
Ethnicity *
How Many People Are in Your Household *
Household Income *
What is your main legal problem? *
Briefly Describe the Type of Help You are Seeking *
Do you have supporting documents? Supporting documents must be in PDF format and emailed to at least five (5) days before the clinic. We cannot accept pictures of documents. If you don't have a scanner, visit Office Depot, FedEx, the library, or similar locations to have your documents scanned and emailed in PDF format. *
Clinics run from 1:00 - 4:00 pm. Our office will contact you with an appointment time before the clinic.
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