When will you be going (your departure and return dates)? *
Your answer
What is the name of the church or agency you will be serving? Please provide contact information for a representative of the organization and any literature (or a web site URL) that describes their goals and policies. *
Your answer
To whom should the check be payable to? *
Your answer
Should any information be included in the memo line? *
Your answer
To whom should the check be sent (address to and mailing address)? *
Your answer
When does the organization need the check by? *
Your answer
What is the total cost of the trip? *
Your answer
Approximately how much have you raised so far? *
Your answer
How much are you requesting? *
Your answer
Our mission statement is: To equip our church as a community to reach the Triangle and beyond with the message of Jesus. How will this mission trip equip you to spread the message of Jesus in your life? In our city or our world? *
Your answer
What are your specific goals for this mission and what will be your principal activities? *
Your answer
What is the gospel? *
Your answer
How did you come to believe in the gospel? *
Your answer
Thank you for submitting an application. Someone from our team will be in touch with you in the next 4 weeks via email to let you know of approval (or not) and level of support. Email tseltzer@biblechurch.org if you have any questions.
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