Schedule a Tour!
Please complete the form below.  You will immediately receive a link to choose a date and time for your school tour.

Please note the following:
  • The tour is Parent-Only.  We invite you and your child to visit together after the tour.
  • Information about tuition and availability will be provided during the tour.    
  • We do not charge waitlist fees.
  • We have no formal affiliation with Foothill Covenant Church, other than being a gracious tenant. :)
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Parent First Name *
Parent Last Name *
Parent Email Address *
Child's First Name *
Child's Last Name *
Child's Date of Birth *
Desired Weekly Schedule *
Desired Daily Schedule (Check any that apply) *
When are you looking to start?
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How did you learn about us? (Check all that apply) *
If you found about us using Google, what did you search for?
If you found about us through a Mother's group, which group?
If you heard from us through a friend, whom can we thank for the referral? :)
Which other preschools are you considering?
What is your home zip code? *
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This form was created inside of Los Altos-Mountain View Children's Corner, Inc..