ARPF Plant Steward Volunteer Report Form
Thank you for volunteering with the American River Parkway Foundation. Please complete the form below. Once completed, press “Submit." Be sure to also submit all signed Waiver of Liability forms and photos to
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Email *
Name: *
Group name if applicable:
Date worked: *
Location worked: *
Hours worked (Ex: 9am-12pm = 3 hrs) *
Number of adult participants: *
Number of youth participants: (volunteers who filled out ARPF's youth waiver) *
Total hours worked (hours worked X # of participants): *
Estimated total weight of trash removed in lbs (if applicable)
How many plants did you pull out? We need this for grant purposes.
Please enter the total amount of plants! We need this information for grant purposes.
List of Invasive Plants
Below are non-native, invasive plants that ARPF works to control around the American River Parkway.
Please indicate how many invasive plants were pulled out.
Red Sesbania
Red Sesbania Pods in Gallons
Spanish Broom
Spanish Broom Pods in Gallons
French Broom
French Broom Pods in Gallons
Scotch Broom
Scotch Broom Pods in Gallons
Pampas Grass
Giant Reed (Arundo)
Chinese Tallow Tree
Catalpa Tree
Tamarisk (Salt Cedar)
Yellow Star Thistle
Milk Thistle
"Thank You!"
The conservation of the American River Parkway is a reflection of the dedication and enthusiasm of volunteers such as yourself. We would like to take this opportunity to say, “Thank You!” for your recent contribution of time, energy and enthusiastic support.

Because of your support, we have removed 74,600 invasive plants in 2019 from the American River Parkway.
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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