ERAS platform partner search

Please take a few moments to fill out this form. Answers will be used to present your organisation on the ERAS partner search platform.
Fields marked with a star (*) are mandatory, others are optional.

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Email *
1. Name of the organisation *
2. Department
 3. Contact person *
4. E-mail
5. Phone number
6. Web page
7. Organisation type
8. About the organisation *
9.  Country *
10.  State/Province
11. City *
12. Postal code
13. Address
14. Please select your fields of interest. You can choose multiple options.
15. Please indicate the project financing programmes in which you wish to participate. You can choose multiple options.
16. Please indicate your experience with projects funded by different programmes (EU, national, international, etc.)
17. LinkedIn
18. Facebook
19. Twitter(X)
20. Instagram
21. If you wish to add your logo to the Partner search platform, please send us an email with the file to
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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