High Point Central High School Parent Survey
At High Point Central High School, we believe that families are valuable members of the school community and your opinions and suggestions regarding the education of your child are important to the success of our school. Please take a moment to answer the following questions to help us plan and address areas of improvement for the next school year(2021-2022). All surveys may be returned to Mrs. Robinson via email at robinsc@gcsnc.com; mailed to High Point Central High School at 801 Ferndale Blvd., High Point, NC 27262; or completed online at (website).
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What is the best way for us to get important information to you? *
Please choose the grade level(s) of your child(ren) *
Which of the following parent activities would you be interested in participating in or attending? (Choose all that apply) *
Regarding which of the following topics would you like to receive more information? (Choose all that apply) *
When is the best time for you to attend a school event for parents? *
What ways can parent involvement be strengthened at HPC? *
What can we do to support you to ensure your child graduates and receives a high school diploma? *
Please indicate any skills, knowledge, work or education experience that you could share with parents, staff or students of HPC? *
How can the school improve on actively involving parents and the community in the activities of our school? *
Please rank the following from 1(Not Well) to 4(Extremely Well) according to how well HPC supports each area:  Creating a friendly school climate *
Please rank the following from 1(Not Well) to 4(Extremely Well) according to how well HPC supports each area:  Establishing home-school communications *
Please rank the following from 1(Not Well) to 4(Extremely Well) according to how well HPC supports each area:  Involving parents *
Please rank the following from 1(Not Well) to 4(Extremely Well) according to how well HPC supports each area:  Building community partnerships *
Overall, how much do you feel HPC values parent input? *
What is the best way for you to provide input regarding HPC? *
How would you like to see parent involvement funds used? *
Which of the following prevent you from being able to participate in school functions, activities and planning events? *
Parent/Guardian Name *
Email Address
Phone Number: *
Student's Name/Grade 2021-2022 *
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