The Lizzy Devlin Recovery Housing Scholarship Application Form
The Lizzy Devlin Recovery Housing Scholarship is intended to help men and women who are Livingston County residents with recovery housing financial assistance. The program is a partnership between the Amber Reineck House and other approved recovery housing services that provide recovery housing. The scholarship may pay       up to one month of program fees.  In order to apply, you must first fill out this application form and include the name of the recovery housing service you are working with. Alternately, you may download and print this page and fill out the fields below. Please email the complete application (a scan or cell phone picture is acceptable) to

Please complete each question, being as detailed as you can.

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Please list the best way to contact you.  Please give email address or cell number.
Name of Recovery Housing Program
Are you eligible for or are you enrolled in Medicaid?  If so in which county.
Name *
Street Address *
City *
Zipcode *
Are you a Livingston County Resident?
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Short Answer Questions
Please explain your financial need for this scholarship. *
What are your thoughts on recovery and why you are seeking it? *
Why would this scholarship be good for you?
What will you do for the recovery community and how will you “pay this gift forward?”
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