Registration for consideration as a Portfolio Company with Resilient Ventures.
Thank you for your interest in Resilient Ventures as an investor in your company.  Resilient Ventures is a committed investment fund for African-American high growth entrepreneurs. As part of this application process, you will need to submit your personal and business information. In addition, if your application is approved, we may conduct our own due diligence related to your business. Both the information you submit and the due diligence information obtained may be shared with other funds, angel networks, and investors. If you have a pitch deck, please send link or attachment to

PLEASE NOTE: Your responses to these questions are the basis of our screening process and if you do not respond to each question completely your company may not pass through the screening process.

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Company Name *
Contact Name *
City, State *
Your Geographic Region *
Phone Number *
email *
3-4 Sentence Description of your company *
What is this round's target raise? *
Type of Financing?
Clear selection
Pre Money Valuation
Use of Funds
Industry (Check all that Apply or enter other)
Current Year Revenue (YTD as of..)
Current Projected Year Revenue
Revenue (Last Year)
Founders (Names, Education, Work Experience for each - press enter between each one)
Incubators, Accelerators, Pitch Competitions your company has participated in. If you placed, please provide that information also.
Names, position, company of your Advisory Board members. Press enter between each one.
Are you, or any member of your founders an alumni of Duke, UNC-Chapel Hill, NC State or NCCU?  If you are tell us which university(s).
Do you have a pitch Deck?  You can email it to
How did you find out about us?
Whether we invest or not, with your permission we can offer to share this information with the following groups, please indicate which.
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