FMS 281: Course Application Form
This course provides an overview of the fundamentals of screenwriting. Combining lectures and script analyses, students focus on character development, story structure, conflict, and dialogue featured in academy award-winning screenplays. Students begin with three creative story ideas, developing one concept into a full-length screenplay of their own. Through in-class read-throughs and rewrites, students are required to complete ~30 pages of a full-length screenplay with a detailed outline of the entire story. Graded only. Prerequisites: FMS 150 or ARS 162 with FMS 150 strongly encouraged. Course application required. Enrollment limited to 12. {A}

Please note that your application will be accessible to all FMS faculty and administrative staff, as faculty collaborate on forming course rosters and administrative staff help manage applications.
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Name *
Email *
Home campus *
Class year *
Are you a Film & Media Studies major or minor? *
Besides FMS, are you declared in or planning on other major(s) / minor(s)? If so, note them here: *
In what semester did you take Introduction to Film and Media Studies (FMS 150) or its equivalent on another campus? (if you took an equivalent, tell us what course)
Why do you want to take this course? What would you like to accomplish in it?
Have you taken any film or video production or digital art classes? Do you have experience with video production outside of a college class?
Have you taken any other Film & Media Studies classes? Please list them.
What types of filmmaking interest you the most?
In this course, we will write ~30 pages of a screenplay within the narrative, documentary, and experimental/hybrid modes. Please write a brief, general description of a project you might like to develop in the course.
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