Apply for a garden consultation
Green Team Urbana offers a very limited number of FREE garden consultations each year as part of its mission to convert half of all privately owned land to native plantings and restore biodiversity. Consultations include a two-hour assessment of your site and your aesthetic and environmental goals, a suggested design with plant locations and selections, site preparation and maintenance advice, and help and advice for obtaining plants. Consultations do not include plants or labor.
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For which type of location are you applying? *
What's the approximate length and width of your planting location? *
What's the current state of your planting location? *
What's your ideal plant budget? *
What would be the ideal start date for your project? *
Are you interested in or seeking a specific garden certification? *
Please share a brief statement about why you'd like a garden consultation and your gardening goals. *
Do you have a garden consultant preference? Check all who apply. Depending on the size of your area, garden consultants might collaborate on your project. If you select a Master Naturalist in training, your consultant will be paired with a certified Naturalist, Architect or Gardener. *
Full name *
Address *
Email address *
Phone number *
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