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1.  Among the e-mails waiting for me at work one morning was one from a member of my staff. It was sent from his personal e-mail address and there was only his home phone number. Thinking something was wrong, I immediately called ______ . HE
1 point
2. My elder brother likes all kinds of music. He prefers jazz but also listens to pop music and sometimes goes to classical music concerts. But when driving ______ in his car, he insists on listening to heavy-metal music. I
1 point
3. On January 1, many Americans watch the Tournament of Roses parade and then a football game in Pasadena California over TV. It may be difficult for ______ to believe it, but January in California is a warm sunny month with a lot of flowers. WE
1 point
4. When it comes to California summer camps for kids, Sky lake Yosemite Summer Camp is the very best. This year the camp is celebrating ______ 66th season. IT
1 point
5. Once I was travelling in Italy. It was a lovely day. I wandered along the street until I came upon some parasol-shaded tables which seemed to __________________ very nice. I settled and opened my book. I
1 point
6. The Thorn Birds is a 1977 bestselling novel by the Australian author Colin McCullough. The story gives __________________ information about life on Australian sheep stations, but it also includes a dramatic love story. WE
1 point
7. Tom had often told ______ , «If only we had sidewalks, we would jog or walk daily and become models of fitness». I
1 point
8. ______ summer school provides a safe, stimulating environment for international students aged 11 to 16 to learn English, experience life in the UK and make strong friendships. WE
1 point
9. They drew the different shapes of the moon on walls of __________________caves. Long ago, sailors studied the stars to help them travel. The ancient Greeks discovered many of the planets. THEY
1 point
10.  The sports capital of the world has 70 percent of __________________ total population participating at least once a week in a particular recreational activity or sport. IT
1 point
11. Avalanches, also known as snowslides, are not a rare occasion in the mountains. A British family had a lucky escape in the Alps when an avalanche missed _____________ by 20 metres. THEY
1 point
12. The circles existed 6,000 years ago, before Stonehenge ______ had been built. IT
1 point
13. Even if you come to our Summer school only to study English, your visit to the UK would not be complete without a trip to London. Our students will have time to see the sights and absorb the atmosphere as they spend ______ last night in this fabulous city. THEY
1 point
14. Shakespeare’s only comedy that takes place in England, when Queen Elizabeth I commanded ______ to write a play for her court. HE
1 point
15. Spring is the season that is enjoyed by most people. __________________ image is often used in poetry as a metaphor for rebirth and renewal, love and romance, new hope and dreams. IT
1 point
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