The Raven Poetry Circle Sign-Up Sheet
The digital incarnation of the Raven Poetry Circle reading has been postponed.

If you would like to participate in future events, feel free to sign up and we will contact you as soon as the event is rescheduled.

It will be a free reading on Zoom to honor the memory of the Raven Poetry Circle, a group of scrappy poets who sold poems in the park throughout the Great Depression. This links to a video of the first one:

While the name includes the word "poetry," all kinds of writing are welcome. If you sign up for a spot, you will have 5-10 minutes during the live-stream to tell a story, read a poem, share an essay, sing a song, talk about your book, or just say hello.

We will record the Zoom event so you can share the video with the wider world after the reading!
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What will you do for your 5-10 minute slot during the live-stream? (for example, "Read from my novel in progress, Hell's Handbasket" or "Read an essay I wrote last year" or "Recite my favorite poem" or "Sing a cover of Neil Diamond's "Brother Love's Traveling Salvation Show" with my daughter.") *
I will design a simple page linking to the work of all the participating writers. Is there website, social media account or book link I should include along with your name? *
This is optional, but feel free to include a brief description of yourself. (for example: Frank Hardy is a novelist living in Bayport, working on his first novel, "Hell's Handbasket.")
Any questions? Let me know and I'll get back to you!
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