Event Registration Form
Thanks for joining #TeamTemwa and taking on a challenge to support our work!

Please complete this form to confirm your participation.
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Date of Birth: *
If you're under 18, or filling in this form on behalf of someone who is, please get in touch to check if minimum age limits apply - email info@temwa.org
Email address: *
Phone number: *
Your chosen event(s): *
Where did you hear about the event? *
Sponsorship: *
Although these events have no minimum sponsorship requirement, we would encourage you to think big and aim as high as you can so we would love to know how much you think you can raise below.
Are you entering as part of a team? *
If so, who are the other members?
Are you happy for us to give you some online encouragement?
If so please give us details of your Facebook/Twitter accounts.
Be part of our movement transforming lives in northern Malawi. *
Hear about our breakthroughs, appeals and how you can get involved. You can get in touch to opt-out or change your preferences at any time. We will not pass on your details to third parties.                                                                                                 Tick (your preferences) to join the thousands who are contacted about the above, through:
Liability and fundraising agreement: *
Temwa can accept no liability for individuals taking part in this event. The organisers will take all necessary precautions against accidents, but in signing up I am aware that I am responsible for myself and my actions. I also agree to meet the minimum sponsorship amount as listed on the event page, and consent to Temwa taking photos/video of me at the event to use in their communications.  I agree to treat all others involved in the challenge with respect and understand that Temwa has the right to ask me to leave the challenge if my behaviour upsets or harms others.
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