Winter 2025 SAT Prep Student Registration
Saturdays, January 25 - March 22, 2025
10:00 AM - 1:00 PM

Cost:  $100.00 per student*
* Students from low- & moderate-income families may qualify for a reduced registration fee.

After completing this form, you will be prompted to pay the registration fee using PayPal.  Please include the student's name in your payment.

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Student's First Name *
Student's Last Name *
Street Address *
City *
State *
Zip Code *
Student's Email *
Confirm Student's Email *
Phone *
Age *
School *
Grade: *
Demographic information requested by our funders.
How did you hear about the program? *
Have you taken the SAT before? *
If you took the test, what were your Language & Math scores?
What is your target score?
What Math class are your taking now or did you take last? *
Parent's Name *
Parent's Email *
Confirm Parent's Email *
Parent's Phone *
Students from low- and moderate-income families qualify for a reduced registration fee. This list shows the income limits for low- & moderate-income families of different sizes. Select the line that applies to your family's size and annual income. You must provide proof of income to get the reduced fee. *
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